EyeCandy Studios offers a wide array of Custom Decorative tile and Ceramic Tile Murals. You can pick from one of our
standard designs, or have us create a design just for you.
Please email us for more information on custom pricing.
Take a peek at a few of our latest designs. More designs appearing weekly! If you don't see exactly what you want, email
us and we can amke it just for you!
Tropical Maccaw Mural |
$125.00 |
White Heron On Pond Mural |
Framed, grouted, ready to hang! Price $225.00 |
Betta Mural |
Fully Framed, Grouted, and Ready to Hang! $250.00 |
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I have you and even if we never meet or ever see each other, we have left our thumbprints in the thick, moist clay of each
other's lives. -Hugh Elliot